Friday 25 May 2012

Body painting project with talented body painter & artist, Amber Liu

A joint creative collaboration with Amber Liu, talented body painter and artist. On a crazy, cold stormy night in Sydney, we gathered at The Sydney College of the Arts, Rozelle Campus to help Amber realize her artistic vision from paper to real life.
The mandarin word pronounced "mern", meaning door. This is a symbol of the doorway to the world. The only thing missing is one last stroke which will be painted on our model, Mel. This work signifies the female perspective into the doorway of our universe. The black dots represent the different choices we are faced with.
Amber earnestly at work on our most obliging model, Mel.
This finished artwork.
The second artwork involves the symbol of yin and yang. The masculine and feminine, the dark and the light, the black and the white - the polar opposites.
Our lovely and very professional model, Sophie getting measured up with the assistance of our videographer, Sheila Fernandez.
Watch the video of the making of this demonstration.

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